Everyday Wonder: Less shouting, more talking about COVID-19 rules

Rules. Love ’em or hate ’em, these pandemic times sure are requiring lots of them. In this episode, we step out of the “Whose side of the rules are you on?” shouting match that’s gripping America right now. Instead, talk as two friends who may not always agree with each other’s view on rules, but still try to listen and think about what is being said.

Unless you’re a zombie protestor. Neither Renee nor Brett Will holds space for them. That’s just the rules!

It’s an episode that is less about what the rules are, because, let’s not kid ourselves, no one really knows right now. Instead, we talk more about what we’re looking for rules to do, why we need them and if our permanent guest, the City of New Orleans, might offer all of us some “rules of the road” for how we should treat one another as we try to make it through these times.

If you like what you hear, continue the conversation by reading Renee Peck’s column on rules.

Given the times, this episode was recorded remotely using Zoom. The quality may not be great, but we hope the conversation is!

Everyday Wonder is a weekly podcast that focuses on conversations about the things that really matter. Season 2 focuses on Everyday Wonder in the Times of COVID-19. Read more about it here. Send feedback and comments to Brett Will Taylor at brettwilltaylorew@gmail.com or Renee Peck at renee@nolavie.com.


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