The poetic city: “On Such a Perfect Morning”

You may not have a perfect everything, but you can have a perfect morning. (Photo by: Reece Burka)

“On Such a Perfect Morning”

I awoke to the perfect beginning 
of a spectacular day. 
The sun was still low enough 
to enrich the colors and 
deepen the shadows.
With air so crisp, clean, clear, 
and cool I didn’t want to miss 
a second of its offering. 
I rushed through my daily tasks
resenting every moment that
I was not outside enjoying its glory. 
Each detail was so delicious 
that I found myself wanting 
to skip breakfast and just eat the day…
That’s when I wondered 
if this is what it’s like to be a tree 
on such a perfect morning. 
Reece Burka


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