The poetic city: “The Lottery Winner”

The beauty of a walk into the unknown. (Photo: Wiki Commons)



The Lottery Winner
Having given into the urge 
to buy a lottery ticket 
when the jackpot approached
the billion dollar mark,
I now find myself staring 
at the ticket and resisting the urge
to check the winning numbers.
I am not yet ready to trade my life as it is 
for the life of surfeit that would descend 
should chance favor me. 
And I am not yet ready to give up 
my dream if it doesn’t. 
But most of all, I am not yet willing 
to give up the delicious uncertainty 
of not knowing. 
So, I will wait a while and enjoy 
the pleasure of being 
both winner and loser. 
Knowing that if I am a winner, 
I have so much to lose… 
And if I am a loser I get to keep 
all that I have already won. 
Reece  Burka


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