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YOU can be a NolaVie Designated Diner by giving on GiveNOLA Day!

We call it the Designated Diner Campaign.

Donate $50 or more to NolaVie on GiveNOLA Day (that’s NOW), and you will be entered in a drawing to help us write a summer series on dining out in New Orleans!

Three lucky winners will accompany NolaVie writers and editors to dinner, in search of cool culinary spots. Eat and drink with us (we do that very well) and contribute your observations to a story to be published online at NolaVie. You’ll share the byline, too!

NolaVie is so New Orleans — and what could be more New Orleans than that?

Click here to donate to NolaVie at GiveNOLA Day.

Click here to donate directly to NolaVie.

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The details: Any donors who give $50 or more on GiveNOLA Day will automatically be entered in a drawing (don’t give anonymously if you want to enter!). Three winners will be chosen at random. Each will individually accompany NolaVie editors to a restaurant, to sample the menu and write a story for a three-part summer series on NOLA dining. You can help choose the date, the place and the vocabulary! And obviously, you have to be in New Orleans or come to New Orleans to participate. We’re flexible on when!


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