The poetic city: “Slow Motion Meditation in Audubon Park 12/5/15”      

We never know where our trails of mind or feet will lead. (Photo by: Kelley Crawford)

Slow Motion Meditation in Audubon Park  12/5/15      
The old man
circumambulates the park 
as slowly as he can. 
He walks ever so slowly 
not because he has to… 
He knows that time will come
soon enough. 
He has discovered that slow motion 
is the key to staying centered 
in the bloom of the moment…
So the old man maintains 
a deliberate pace
until the moment itself
expands to the point 
where he can watch in wonder
as the trail of every action
fades slowly back into
the fabric of eternity


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Reading this poem is a meditation; my breath is slowed, my heart is full.

Susan Conway